Gardening Part 2
Gardening has been fun. There are ups and downs to it though. For example, if you do not remember to water the plants every day, you gonna get dead plants soon. But, you can get them looking good again with some plant food (💩) and water. They will a lot of times come right back up.
Take a look at some of what I have grown so far!
As you can see, I have had some good fruitage from my garden. I haven't ate very much of it yet. I still haven't picked any of the tomatoes as of yet, and the watermelon is too small to pick. However, I did eat some of the lettuce on the burgers. It was OK. I am hoping the banana pepper tastes better. The banana pepper is picked and ready to eat, but haven't figured out how I want to eat it or prepare it.
Some things that have happened. I was told to water your garden early in the morning, and I do not wake up early, so, I ended up getting a timer that turns on the water at 6am every morning and waters the garden for me! This has helped, especially when we were out of town.
Before going out of town though, I had a cheap hose burst on me and flood the side of my yard. It was horrible. I just got the bill in, and it wasn't too much, thank goodness. So, I bought a more heavy duty hose, that hasn't bursted, yet.
I also bought a garden irrigation system from Amazon which I have not setup yet, but hope to soon. I want those plants to get a good amount of water each. Right now, I just have a spiral sprinkler system that waters everything, including my lawn. I will let you know how that goes later, in maybe part 3 of gardening.

We also have bunnies in our back yard, and I have had to put up chicken wire. Which I ended up not buying enough, ugh. I do need to go back to lowes though and buy some more, along with sticks to help my plants. right now, the amount of fruit being produced is too much and is making the plants fall over. I heard this is not good for the plant, so, I will need to do this soon!
Let me know if you garden and what you have produced! This is super exciting and can't wait to keep upgrading my garden, and maybe even expand it! Have an amazing day, and thank you for reading!